[ECOM] Single-use Flow Cells Tri-clamp Series

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[ECOM] Single-use Flow Cells Tri-clamp Series


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[ECOM] Single-use Flow Cells Tri-clamp Series

Single-use Flow Cells Tri-clamp Series
With the tri-clamp connection to piping systems.

Product Description:

Single-use cells은 셀을 통과하는 액체의 흡광도를 분석하고 모니터링하는 데 사용되며, 검출기에서 SMA 905 광 케이블을 사용하여 자외선을 유도합니다. 교차 오염을 방지하기 위해 분리할 때마다 새 셀을 사용해야 하고 셀을 세척하여 재사용할 수 없는 애플리케이션을 위한 비용 효율적인 솔루션으로 설계되었습니다. 합리적인 가격의 이 일회용 셀은 매번 사용 후 또는 홀더에서 몇 번 사용한 후 고객이 쉽게 교체할 수 있습니다.

Pressure and temperature resistance:

The cell is designed to withstand a maximum operating pressure of 30 MPa (4351 psi). Also, it can withstand high operating temperatures of up to +260 °C (500 °F), making it affordable for single-use applications. Optical path length: The cell is equipped with an inner insert made of PEEK material. This allows customers to choose the optical path length in advance. Different optical path lengths are available: from 0.05 mm to 10 mm.

Features and Benefits:

  • A cost-effective solution – single-use cells exchangeable in the holder
  • Resistant to high pressures (30 MPa, 4351 psi) and high temperatures (up to +260 °C, 500 °F)
  • Elimination of dead volume
  • Good rinsing without cross-contamination of the sample
  • Fulfillment of USP Class VI requirements
  • FDA certification for food and pharmacy
  • Wide range of optical path length options
  • Compatible with ECOM external detectors (TOY18DAD EX and VEX, TOY20DAD EX and VEX, ECD EX)
  • Certificate of Quality 3.1

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